It was Friday afternoon and I had kept my stomach of anything solid the whole day. I onli ate a piece of Cheese Brownies which I took away from from Secret Recipe the day before . The reason u ask? Well, it's my company's dinner tonight and I wanna keep my stomach for the nice fancy food the place had got to offer.

The venue is Cinammon @ 1 World. It's located next to 1 World Hotel. You can go over from 1 Utama passing through SOHO Restaurant. The booking was for 7pm but I arrived early with my colleague around 6pm. We had some problem with the seating and finally they had shifted us nearer to the food stalls. Sweet~!!

We're having buffer. The food is multi national. In other word, u can see food ranges from Spaghetti to Nasi Lemak to Dim Sum to Sushi and Seafood. The ambiance of the place was quite fascinating. It's cozy and spacious. The place was almost fully booked by other company for their own function and also family and frens dinner.

Once you enter the main door u can see a big wine hall on the right side. We were seated next to it. The view was really nice. I mean, looking at all those racks of wine that they had piled up.

We scout around the place for the food that we wanna eat later on. The first food that my colleague went to is the seafood section. Where they served the salmon, oysters, crab and prawns. Well you can see from the picture if you are wondering how fresh it is.

The first food that I ordered was the spaghetti cabonara from the cook. It was OK. The cream was a bit plain but still .... eatable.

Than we took the sweet and sour prawns which tasted very nice. As the prawns was really juicy and fresh. 3 of us almost took 3/4 of the whole serving on the main plate. haha~

Than was the salmon on the stick. Damn it's nice. Might be the best food for me that night. I ate around 5 - 6 sticks of the fish. Topping it off with the thousand island and also french dressing. haha~ A bit weird but it tasted good.

Than was the fried prawn in wan ton style which is good. The mussels dipped in spicy sauce was also very nice. The beef, chicken and mutton can also been seen but I didn't took any as I wanna try something else that night.

Then there was the crab which my colleague took and ate a lot. haha~ I didn't ate any as I was too lazy to crack open the shells. But from the look from my colleague's face, it tasted just nice.

One interesting food that I found was the salad bar section. The way you prepare the salad was really new for me. The salad is placed into a big cheese. Yup you heard me right, a big freaking cheese with a hole at the centre. Imagine a ball cut into half and the centre is empty. You can customize your salad from the side dishes that they had. You can see how mouth watering is my salad from the picture.

Next was the oyster but I didn't eat much of those. It's not as large as Jogoya but most importantly that it is fresh. Other than that, we had dim sum, lok lok, satey and nasi minyak. Yes, it's cheap but since we're there. So wat the heck. Makan only la.

Then I saw something on one of the shelves.
CHEESE !!!! I got curious and took one of each to the table and try it out. And it was really nice. Well some of them. And I got more ideas for the cheese so we all took home some souvenirs. hahaha~ We ended the dinner around 9.30pm that night. It was really nice and we all took pictures before we leave. And I went for 2nd round at Asia Cafe with the BKLTL members. But that is another story.
(Rating : 3.7 out of 5.0)
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